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Author : 1.Amarnath Panuganti, 2.Dr.Vishali N, 3.Dr Rajesh V, 4.Dr Radhakrishna L

Abstract : Introduction Dermatoglyphics is as old as the history of man. It is the study of patterns of dermal ridges in the palmar aspect of hands and digits and plantar aspect of foot and toes. Individual characteristic patterns of epidermal ridge are formed during the 3rd or 4th month of fetal life. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is a condition in which thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain crucial hormones. Hypothyroidism may not cause noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Over time, untreated hypothyroidism can cause a number of health problems, such as obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease. Polycystic ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder of women in reproductive age group. [8] It is a heterogeneous group of disorder with Hyperandrogenism (Ovarian), Hyperinsulinemia & chronic anovulation. Materials and Methods A total of 300 subjects will be used for the study. Out of total number of 300 subjects, out of these 150 was normal subjects and 150 was hypothyroidism with PCOS. Fingertip patterns of both right and left hands will be noted for the presence of following qualitative characteristics. The ridge patterns of the fingertips are of three types: 1. Arches, 2. Loops, 3. Whorls. Arches: It is the simplest pattern formed by more or less parallel ridges which traverse the pattern area and form a curve that is concave proximally. The curve is gentle sometimes at other times it swings more sharply. A series of ridges enter the pattern area on one side of the digit, recurve abruptly and leave the pattern area on the same side. Ulnar loop (UL) is composed of ridges that open on the ulnar side. Radial loop (RL) is composed of ridges that open on the radial side. Occasionally, transitional loops (TRL – Transitional radial loop) (TUL – Transitional ulnar loop) can be found which resemble whorls or complex patterns. Results In this study the mean age group of PCOS is 29.65 years and in control group 30.15 years. In Case Group (hypothyroidism with PCOS) mean of Right-hand Whorls patterns (2.27 with SD 1.55) was noticed and in controls was whorl patterns 2.40 with SD 1.51 was noticed. Mean Left-hand Whorls among Case was 2.20 with SD 1.56 and in control group Left-hand Whorls was 2.50 with SD 1.84. Mean Right-hand Arches among Case was 0.17 with SD 0.38 and in control group Right-hand Arches was 0.60 with SD 0.70. Mean Left-hand Arches among Case was 0.20 with SD 0.55 and in control group Left-hand Arches was 0.50 with SD 0.85. Mean Right-hand Loops among Case was 2.57 with SD 1.48 and in control group Right-hand Loops was 2.10 with SD 1.52. Mean left-hand Loops among Case was 2.63 with SD 1.54 and in control group left-hand Loops was 2.10 with SD 1.37. Conclusion: Present study shows that there is definite co-relation between dermatoglyphics and PCOS. Whorl pattern in finger tip patterns of both the hands is absent as well as Tibial loop in area V of ball region of left foot is absent in PCOS. Since dermatoglyphics is a cost effective, less time consuming and easier method for screening which can be used anywhere without stationary lab equipment’s, it may be of great help in screening the population for PCOS.